
How much money could I get from the goverment to build a "green" house?

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How much money could I get from the goverment to build a "green" house?




  1. When you say "the government" you actually all of us. For my part, I choose to give you nothing. It is not a sacrifice if someone else pays.

  2. What do you mean?  An ecologically friendly house?  Probably none.

    Keep in mind that the government has no money of its own.  The government's money comes from its citizens.  So, in effect, when you get government money to do something such as this, you are raising taxes, including your own.  Every scholarship, road repair, anything--raises taxes.

  3. Build your own "green house" dude.  Don't use my tax dollars to do it.  JEEEEZ.

    Perfect example of the fact that die-hard environmentalists are mostly socialists.

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