
How much money could i earn a week fixing computers?

by  |  earlier

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hi i have just qualified and passed my computer course, which i study from home, and now i am fully qualified to fix computers.

i am self employed and work for no company. i have got ads in the paper letting people know that they can require my services. now my answer is how mcuh can i earn a week on this job? if i fixed like 20 computers a week?




  1. £50 callout plus cost of parts could make a lot of money a week.

  2. You might make more money if you could find a good company to work for, plus benefits such as health insurance

  3. Depends where your qualification is from. If it's from a recognised university or college. You could earn quite a lot.

    If it's from a private company no one has heard of then probably not much because eno one would trust your workmanship.

  4. You should be charging about £50 a pc with a no-fix-no-fee. Or let's say £40 minimum, £60 max. You should retain customers and maybe visit them 3-4 times a year. The big problem is time. To reload an OS and get all the drivers working again may take 2-3 hours. Also depends how far apart the customers are. If its going to take time to fix then best to take it home. You could fix, maybe 4 or 5 a day, but it gets pretty boring. Are you going to use remote access? It is probably worth subscribing to this service to save visiting customers. I imagine it is quite competitive as you get youngsters doing it in their spare time for next to nothing. My son was doing it when he was at school, but he was charging £20-£40 (that was about 10 years ago.) You may find you can save money by cutting out some weeks of the ads. When the ad first goes in you get lots of calls even into the second week. You may even get too much work-- remember people are usually desperate to get their PC working (for homework, Ebay etc) and will go elsewhere if you cannot do a quick turnround. Don't forget data recovery. You need a good system to recover or at least transfer someones data from an ailing machine to somewhere safe. If you haven't already learn about networking, website design, V-Desktops, Blackberry network or something to diversify away from just PC repair.

  5. The market is saturated with computer repair guys. You also have to bare in mind that for every one person that has a problem with their computer, they know 20 other people who can fix it for free. On top of that, computers are ridiculously cheap these days, resulting in people less likely to call a computer repair guy out to fix a problem on an item that cost them little.

    All in all, you'll be lucky to cover your expenses (advertising, fuel, etc).

    I'd also like to remind you that a computer course makes you a professional not!?!

  6. it depends how  many computers u fix

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