
How much money did nascar raise on nascar day?

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How much money did nascar raise on nascar day?




  1. Last count per Nascar was at  1.2 million and was not finished yet.

    this is a true great sport...they do so much for charity

    and so do all the drivers

  2. I think its kind like waiting for race results they wont know until Tuesday, there were a lot of Corporate sponsors with individual drives going on within the company, i.e. Home Depot, DuPont, I think the UAW might have had one if they are not still teed off over Toyota being in series.

  3. Final total isn't in yet.

    And Mark is an idiot!


    "On Friday alone, NASCAR Day netted a $1.275 million in total donations, and that number has climbed to more than $1.3 million heading into Sunday. Last year, NASCAR Day brought home a total of $1.64 million and the hope is to raise at least that much again this year."

    and mark, above, raised nothing more than the ire of the people who care about nascar.

  5. A lot, hundreds of thousands, and every dime goes to charity. This really is the best sport in the world. Last I seen it was over $600,00 in FAN donations and the day wasn't even half over. Best fans watch the best sport.

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