
How much money did the democrats spend on fireworks at the DNC?

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They could have used that money to feed poor children, build Katrina victims new homes, or even buy Obama's brother a better mud hut.

Instead they sent thousands of dollars worth of money into the air only to be blow up while millions starve.

Change you can believe in...




  1. How much do you think that fire works cost?  How much will the republicans spend next week?  Some people just want to criticize.  It doesn't matter whether or not it makes sense.

  2. Yeah, they are REAL humanitarians, aren't they?  (rolling my eyes)

  3. Now you are making up a dumb argument here.

    Who gives a d**n how much it cost.

    There are bigger problems facing this country than anybody caring how much fireworks cost.

  4. And the carbon foot print issue - did they buy carbon credits to off set the fire works?

    If this whole charade wasn't so serious, it would be hilarious.

  5. I just hope he's not a fire cracker.

  6. Hee hee hee. Thats it? Nothing about the speech? Nothing about how GRRRReat a President McCain will make?

    It's really gonna suck next week when we get to "critique" the RNC.

    Gee I sure hope they haven't planned a Hitler-like outdoor speech with Columns...they will have to redo the whole plan.

    How about a BAMBOO motif and a dirt stage with a cross scratched in it?

  7. Actually fireworks are really cheap.

  8. My city has a great fireworks show every Fouth of July. It lasts like 20-30 minutes. IIRC, it cost half a million dollars. That's less than $2 a resident for a really good public display.

    Sometimes you gotta take some time to celebrate. Then you can get back to business.

    When was the last time *you* gave up something fun in order to donate the money instead? I bet you are Just like the rest of us spoiled Americans and have enough for both leisure and charity.

  9. You mean after 8 years of bush millions are still starving, poor children still need to be fed, Katrina victims still need new homes?

    Perhaps you really don't wanna go there...

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