
How much money do Australian rules football players make?

by Guest44637  |  earlier

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How much money do Australian rules football players make?




  1. I don't think  they earn enough.

    Considering the injuries that usually end up crippling them.

  2. The AFL salary cap is at about $6.5 million p.a, and that gets split between a list of players of around 40. A first year draftee is on about 60K a season

  3. Dividing $6.5m between 40 players gives you an average of around $160,000 a year.

    The new recruits get around $50 to 60K a year and the better players in the team can get $300 to 400K a year.  A superstar could make $500K+ a year.

    This money can be supplemented with legitimate sponsorship for advertising etc but the AFL can declare sponsorship as salary (and therefore include it in the salary cap) if it's not about the player specifically endorsing something independent of the club.

    The same goes for salaries in positions they hold outside football - so the club can't pay them an additional $500K as a 'football development officer" nor can they get their sponsors to pay them $300K as a typist!  That is where it all gets complicated!!!

    If you ask me ... and you didn't ... it's not much for a short term, high risk job.   Particularly when the takings from Grand Final gate receipts alone would amount to over $10 million.

  4. I don't know for sure, but I've always heard that they don't make that much unless they are one of the top two or three players on the team.  Something like 20-30 thousand a season.  Most players are either still in college or work part time jobs during the summer.

  5. They don't "make" any money, but they do earn substantial amounts and what people earn I would have thought is their business! .    Some people are critical of their earnings, but its not a lifetime occupation, and  the possibility of permanent or debilitating injury, is real, and  could  have a lifetime effect, eg Blake Caracella received a career ending neck injury.    Players are also full time, and while under a massive national scrutiny, media, public and others wanting to know their income,  the commitment and discipline required is 'enormous'.    I would estimate it is  higher than most paid jobs, ...sorry maybe airline pilots,  brain surgeons, the exceptions ! I wonder how much they earn ?

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