
How much money do I need to make to get an apartment in michigan?

by Guest62861  |  earlier

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Obviously, it varies from apt to apt. But, I've heard that your rent can't be more than a third of your total monthly income before taxes, is this true?




  1. You can pay up to 100% of your income in rent.  THe landlord doesn't care.  Lots of people are supported by their families.  The 1/3 guideline is to protect you from ending up each month eating beans and rice for the last 4 days because you are out of money. Pay whatever you want. /

  2. Yes, that is the general guideline.   A few places are higher, requiring 4 times the rent, but that is uncommon.

    If rent is 1200 a month, which is about average, you need to earn 3600 a month in income.

    The landlords know if you have a choice between eatting and paying rent you will pick the food.   Almost everyone, homeowners, rich and poor all tend to spend about the same, a third of their income going to housing.

  3. dmd42007, I moved from Michigan to Rhode Island last year, so I'm not sure who I could call to assist you. Here is a resource of apartments in Michigan that you can call. Hopefully someone can help you.

    Good Luck!

  4. that guideline is correct.  That leaves you enough money for utilities, food and every day expenses.  Unless you want to be stuck at home, sitting on the floor because you are always broke

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