
How much money do I need to stay for, say, 4 days in Vien, Austria?

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I want to go there to see the city and i need to know how much money, on average, I need. Are there any cheaper hotels there?




  1. Like someone said, most you spend on the flight ticket and on hotel. Generally, the closer the hotel to the city center (1st district), the more expencive.

    Unfortunatelly, if its your first time, you want to see the city center. If you are young, you can try a students hostage or how they are called. For students you can get a good deal, maybe try ask via the University in Vienna.

    Other option is always try get something private, maybe you are lucky looking in internet for private rooms.

    Hotel sure is the most expencive option, but also most comfortable (at least for me).

    How much money you will spend during day fpr food, drinks and such, really depends on you. London is more expencive then Vienna, and you have a lot of options to eat. During midday a lot of restaurants in the city offering menues for students, which are like 6-9 Euro, for example those chinese restaraunts. You can get a pizza for same price.

    For the evening/night, well, depends. You can see a show or a concert, the opera, etc...where you need to buy tickets.

    Drinks in discoes and bars during night like coctails and such....wellm guess thats the same in your city as well.

    Night life can get expensive, but depends really no you.

    There are plenty of bars with life music, where you dont need to buy a ticket, just pay your drinks.

    Now in Spring, like end of April, May is a very good time to go. Its off season, and winter should be over, a good chance to get nice weather.

  2. Go to or --- my husband and I stayed in Vienna for $15US to sleep and $15US to eat a piece --- I would bank on more depending on what you want to see... tranportation is on the honor system and tickets are not expensive... Vienna boys choir on Sundays is free - schnitzel is very inexpensive anywhere you go and drink tap water...

  3. Inexpensive hotels are hard to find. Back before the Euro, it wasn't so bad, but hotels prices have really gone up in the last few years. Traveling off season -- not in the summer -- can you a bit. In March, the cold is very severe, but room prices seem better. The Römischer Kaiser is a very good small hotel that is close to everything, but rates right now are very high.

    Airfare and hotel will be your main expenses, although good food, unless you eat a diet of cake and deli sandwiches, will be pricey too. Public transportation in Vienna is awesome, and you should definitely make use of it.

    I don't know the dollar amount you would need; if you can find a good hotel, probably $800 to $1000, not including the plane ticket. Budget wisely.

  4. Yhe name of the city is Wien.  Take a $1,000.00.

  5. There are indeed a couple of fairly cheap accomodation. Just go to and find "Pension", what is like a b & b. You should not spend more than say 100 euros a day if you don't intend to eat out in Steirereck or Three Husars...

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