
How much money do arena football players make?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know the average salary of an arena football player.




  1. bout $200,000, but their salaries are on the rise

  2. Less then an NFL player....

  3. LOL.. they wish they made 200k.  According to ex AFL Commisioner David Baker in an interview during this past season, the average AFL player earns about 85k a year.  I don't really think its that high as Philadelphia Soul QB Tony Graziani used to be the highest paid player at 250k per year.   What I was told was he took a cut in pay during the 2008 season so the Soul could get Chris Jackson on the team to help them win (and they did) the ArenaBowl.  The second and third highest paid players were making about 140k and 135k per year.

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