
How much money do dancers get paid for touring with famous music artists?

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Just curious about a rough estimate.




  1. not too much, depending on the length of the tour and the celebrity of the star, id say that for a long tour, say a few months maybe 3 or 4, you might get 30000 dollars with like madonna.  if youre lucky.  if it's with a really harsh record company, like say disney, and youre with hannah montana, you might get minimum wage

    edit@guybelowme: actually you tend to get treated not too bad.  you haveta spend alot of time on the road and in a tour bus, but you get alot of good and free food and thats a few months for which you don't haveta pay rent etc.  and you get to have alot of fun and do alot of partying.  my friends have worked security and stage managing and sound tech and stuff for bands, but i don't know any but 2 backup dancers directly, and htey both retired to be dance teachers because they actually made more money that way.  but they weren't for big stars.

  2. thats a good question!!!!

    i dont no but it is my life ambition to dance with the Pussycat Dolls

    keep dreaming hey?


  3. UK current minimum (for performance - rehearsal is less) is about £380 per week. On tour they should also give you a per diem and/or accommodation.. That, of course, is with famous music artists with honest managers.

    Lots of acts just recruit wanabees from the local dancing school wherever they are that night - that way they also get the local press coverage saying "local teenage sensation Breelinda never dreamed, when she started at the Marion Giggleswick School of Dance, that she'd end up on stage with ***********".

    I'm not an embittered dancer, just a cynical stage manager.

  4. not sure but they will use you for s*x and then they will treat you like c**p afterwords

  5. There is no fixed rate until you are established. There are so many talented people out there who will work for a pittance, just for the fame, that is difficult for serious, career minded people to get on. Unfortunately, it is the way of the modern world in entertainment

  6. close to nothing. i say this from experience.

  7. In 2006, the middle half of all dancers made between $7.31 and $17.50 an hour. The lowest-paid 10 percent made less than $6.62. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $25.75. Choreographers earned a little more, on average. When on tour, dancers receive an allowance for room and board and extra money for overtime.

    Dancers and choreographers work on specific jobs. When the job is over, they have to look for another one. Earnings from dancing are often low because dancers don't work all year. There may be a lot of time between each job. They often take another kind of job when they are not dancing.

    Many dancers employed by large companies belong to unions. Some get paid sick leave and other benefits.

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