
How much money do i qualify my efc is 7300?

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that is what i got from fafsa....

i currently not employ and full time student

and ran out of saving from when i was military.

Now I need to know how much am going to get or else end up working to support myself...




  1. Guest34505


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  2. Unfortunately, it can be hard to guess from an EFC how much you can get, since aid depends on what the school has available to give you. You technically qualify for whatever tuition is minus $7300.

    $7300 seems like a high EFC for you. Did you file as an independent student because you were in the military? That would help you if your parents make a decent amount of money. Also, if you had a better level of income last year and don't have that anymore, be sure you let the financial aid department know right away. There are documents that you can fill out at most schools where they will make exceptions because of newer circumstances and help you get more aid.

  3. Having the same problem except mines around 2000 EFC. Strange that your not getting more. Did you answer all the questions about the military? Also, if your 24 (or about to turn sometimes this year) did you file as an independent student? Are you living with your parents? If you are 24, are not claimed on your parents taxes and living either in dorms or somewhere other than your parents house, you are eligible for the full amount of the fafsa. Also, FAFSA depends on how much you claimed you made on your tax return. If you made alot, that's why your efc is 7300! Like the other posts, talk to Financial Aid!

  4. If you had a change in your income since you did your taxes and filled out the fafsa you can always do a special circumstances appeal thru the financial aid office at your school.  It is not a hard thing to do.  I have had to do it.  One can also be done if you have lost your job.  Talk to the counselors in the financial aid office to see if you are eligible.

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