
How much money do paraprofessional's get paid???!?!?

by  |  earlier

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please tell me and PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!




  1. in our charter school its 7.50 an hr

  2. i guess $1000

  3. pair of proffessionals, sounds like me in the bible, two men=amen. tell me what is your occupation never heard this and thinjking you teasing me alike everyone ese in the world, please fill me in.

  4. Do you mean teaching assistants?  The term paraprofessionals can be used to describe a wide range of jobs in all professional fields.

  5. In my district paras are abslutely poor.

    When teachers only range 30,000-40,000 a year, paras get way less. This is because you do NOT need a degree to be one. The people who are paras usually have kids in the district or are 2 years out of high school graduates looking for a job.

    If you wanted to go into a field like a para, be a special ed teacher instead.

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