
How much money do restraunts get for there used cooking grease?

by  |  earlier

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I am interested in using the grease for fuel. I know mcdonalds and other fast food places sell it and I was just wondering for how much.




  1. This is left up to each individual restaurant... the money they receive will be pocketed by them.

  2. Some give it away for free, some charge.  Now that people are using it in their cars for fuel, they will most likely charge more.

  3. They usually give it away, for free.

    Are you really an Architect?

    After a good day's work, it makes for a great foot bath.

    Also, I like to rub it all over my body, before sunbathing.

    The oil is run through a screen and then used to fuel a Bio-Diesel vehicle. The restaurants dispose of the oil anyways, so usually will give it away for free. Although I'm sure that some restaurant has gotten financially compensated for that old oil.

    The big fast food chains get far more requests, so they have the liberty to sell it. You can most likely get it from smaller restaurants for free. I'm sure that anyone who sells it will do so for as much as they can. You should just call up as many restaurants as possible, to find out.

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