
How much money do u start with in Monopoly??

by  |  earlier

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I know the banker gives each player money to star but how much is it????




  1. It's $1500.  The directions specify what denominations it's supposed to be in, but as long as the total is right it doesn't matter what the breakdown is.

  2. $1,500 for each player.

  3. $1,500.

  4. Each player gets two $500 bills, two $100 bills, two $50 bills, six $20 bills, five $10 bills, five $5 bills and five $1 bills for a total of $1,500.

  5. exactly $1,500 .  I am postive because that is like, my faveorite board game! : ) HiH : )

  6. 1500

  7. you start out with 1,500 dollars in monopoly.

    2 500s

    2 100s

    2 50s

    6 20s

    5 tens

    5 5s and 5 1s

  8. ha ive always wondered that! but i think sk8rs right with 1500

  9. pretty much everybody is right it is 1500 dollars that you are supposed to start with.the spread out of the money is twoo 500's, two 100's,  two 50's, six 20's,five 10's,five 5's,and five 1's. If you are missing your instructions go to their website and print them is the site name.I know this site will work cause i bought a monopoly jr. game from a yard sale and it was missing the instructions so i searched for the site and found them.

  10. I THINK 500 OR 1,000

  11. fifteen hundred. 2-500, 100, 50; 6-20; 5-10,5,and 1

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