
How much money do u think bootleggers(people who burn CD and DVD's and sell them on the street)make in a year?

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I'm just curious because I've heard some people do this as a living. I'm not interested in doing it because I'm too afraid I'll get Does anyone know anyone that does it as a job,or their only source of income? How much money do you think record and movie companies lose each year due to bootlegging??




  1. Bootleggers make six figure incomes.

  2. I acutally know a guy who did this while in college. He lived at home with his mom and dad and had a part time job at a clothing store. He had to give his parents all the money he made and have them put it in a side account for him because the bank would get suspicious when he would come in with wads of $5,$10,and $20. They figured how could an 18 year old make $60,000 a year working part time at Old Navy? When he graduated college,he had enough money to buy him a $130,000 home and a brand new vehicle,and still had money in savings. He paid all of that in cash. He said that he almost got busted a few times and actually had to stop halfway thru his senior year because the cops were suspicious.

  3. . John Kennedy, chairman of the IFPI, mentions  

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