
How much money do you get for selling aluminum soda cans

by  |  earlier

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i just need to know how much money i will get for collecting cans and see if its worth my time.




  1. Depends what you mean...are you in a state that has a deposit?  If so, then those cans are worth 5-10 cents depending on the local deposit, but if you are talking just recycling the cans, you are probably looking at 40-65 cents per POUND (about 30 or so cans)

    And to debbie: I've reported you for a) not answering the Question, b) for posting if someone else will be so kind as to do the same...hopefully your post will be deleted all together!

  2. I think it's like 5 cents per can

  3. Anywhere between 5cents to 15 cents depending on where you live.If you already have the cans then go ahead and turn them in to get your money, but if you haven't collected them yet then don't waste your time.If you need money that bad then you can try something else.There is a legitimate program that you can try that is free to sign up,no fees,and access to a mentor if you need any help.Relax,there are no surveys involved,lol.This program offers a few different ways to earn extra income online a lot quicker than a 'regular' job.It's not a get rich type of thing.It's a way to make extra income part time or if you want you can go full time.I use this exclusively because I am a full-time student,I have other activities going on and prefer not to waste my time at a regular job. You have to be at least 13 and live in the US or Canada. If you're serious about having extra income on the side then sign up and check it out

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