
How much money do you get per click on Google Adsense?

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I know that the money you make from Google Adsense is based on the anount of times people click on the ads, but how much money do you actually get?




  1. I've gotten $0.01-0.25, mostly on the lower end of it.

  2. It depends on the niche you're in. If your blog is about a topic that attracts expensive ads, you'll get paid more. The more the advertiser pays for the ad, the more you get as a cut. Google won't release exact figures, but if the advertiser is paying something like 15 cents for each click, you'll probably only get paid one cent. Google keeps the rest.

    For example, if you write a blog about cancer, and Google shows ads about mesothelioma, you can probably earn a few dollars a click. That's because advertisers are willing to pay a LOT of money for leads in this category.

    If your site is only relevant to low-cost ads, then you in turn will be paid less per click.

    Each ad is different, and the same ad could earn different amounts on different days. It varies a lot, but if your site isn't about something advertisers have a LOT of interest in, you can probably expect each click to earn you between 2 cents and 10 cents.

    Because Google only pays out once you reach $100, it takes most people a very, very long time to get any money.

  3. Google doesn't actually tell people how much you make so a definite amount is not know to the public. Also, it depends on the ad that is being shown. Some are worth more than others.

  4. not that much, i only get 5cents per click

  5. well cost per click is determined through an auction format. so cost depends on popularity of the keyword. i i'm averging around $1-2. perhaps my blog will help you with how to pick keywords and content.

  6. I usually get $.01 per click on my adsense.

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