
How much money do you get per month to spend on clothes?

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How much money do you get per month to spend on clothes?




  1. Maybe $50.  Some months I don't buy any.  When I do buy clothes I always get what's on sale or go to Ross.  I love that place.  The only reason I am buying more clothes now if because I am pregnant and need bigger stuff.

  2. i don't get a set amount, my mom buys them for me when i need them.

  3. I have a job, so i have about 1000 dollars a month to throw around wherever i want. I usually buy my own clothes, but if i complain about needing more my mom just gives me 200$ and drives me to the mall. She takes me on the "big shopping trips" at the beginning of summer, winter, and fall. If i clean my room, and throw out all the clothes i don't wear anymore, i get another shopping trip.

  4. Well I get $40 about a month for allounce, but sometimes I get a little extra.

    When I go to the mall my mom gives me money though.

    So I'd say I spend about $100 about a month?

  5. most certainly not enough

  6. $30 plus anymore i make from babysitting

  7. If it's something I need my mom usually has no problem paying for it. Or if she thinks I deserve it, she'll pay for it.

    Other than that I get about two shopping sprees from my grandparents a year. They just take me and let me pick out a whole new wardrobe. Then I'm set for a few months.  

  8. other than the money that I make at work....none  

  9. not anything in particular..

    i would say i get about 1 new thing every 2 months..

    good luck :]

  10. None. I get new clothes by season. Like when it is about to get cold I get winter clothes. When it start to get warm I get summer clothes. That's it. Maybe some for Christmas and my birthday.

  11. None, occationaly I'll get my mom to buy me a shirt or jeans or something like that, but thats only once in a while.

  12. absolutely nothing

    i need a job

    ugh lol

    i don't get allowance either

    this is the life i live haha =D

  13. NONE

  14. well being that i am older i dont get money every month, but i do have 4 kids and i make sure they have enough clothes. for us it varies, i can spend 200.00 one month and 50.00 the next. it depends on what is needed.  

  15. ma mom gives me $10 a week for food n anything, so if i spend it on clothes den $40

  16. umm... well last time i checked i got about 0.00 last month and 0.00 for every month before... soo i think someone should get a job or be happy with the clothes that are totally good to wear... give some to charity

  17. well i don't really have a budget. i mean i don't work so all the money i get is from my parents and they just give me money whenever i ask for it.

  18. per month? none

    every year i go shopping three times: before school, winter time, & after school is over..

    individually i probably spend about 200 dollars each time.

    so that would give me a combined total of 600 dollars on clothes per year.

  19. 0



  20. I'm 16

    And I get none.  I buy my own clothes.  For leisure, school formals, church, interviews, and the beach. I buy my own bras and underwear as well

    The only thing my parents buy is my uniform for school.

    Get a job.

  21. None, I pay for all my own clothes. The only time my parents buy me clothes is for the new school year and maybe Christmas. Never on my birthday. Other than that, I buy all my own clothes and I'm almost 17. I work so I can afford it. I probably spend 30 dollars every three months.

    When I go shopping I'll get two tshirts and flipflops or just a pair of jeans. No big shopping sprees. I spent 50 dollars the other day at American Eagle, I try to stretch my money as far as it can go. I got two tshirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of underwear, and body spray.

  22. Uhh none...if i need anything my mom and i just go get it...

  23. I have to pay for all my clothes, but I do get to go on a shopping spree (which my mom pays for) when I get back to school clothes. So, that's about $300. Hope this helps! Cheers!

  24. none.

    Sometimes i have to buy with my own money,or sometimes my mom allows me to get a thing or two.

  25. I only get to spend what I make at work, but every other season, my mom will buy me new clothes.

  26. 150-200

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