
How much money do you get when you sell your eggs?

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How much money do you get when you sell your eggs?




  1. well if you're talking about your eggs, you can get like alot of money. i saw an ad in the paper once, it either said 4500 or 45000. i'm not sure which one. anyway, you have to meet a list of requirments for them to want your eggs. judging by the fact that you asked this question on yahoo answers, i don't think anyone will want your eggs :/ sorry...

  2. do you own a farm or something?  is it eggs from your hens or eggs from yourself... like from your ovaries?  please be more specific.

  3. If they are your human eggs, be careful.  The drugs they give you cause cancer and the treatments can leave you infertile forever.

  4. about $3000 if you're talking about your personal female eggs

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