
How much money do you give to a College graduate at their graduation party?

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I'm going to a graduation party this weekend and I'm not sure how much money i should give the graduate. Can you help me out?




  1. 50-100 is good

  2. at least 100 or 150 no more

  3. $50 is standard, $75 if you know the person, $100 if it is family

  4. $20-$100 depends on how close u r to them

  5. Give what you can.  Your affection should not be the measuring stick for your gift.

  6. $50 bucks i'd say

  7. $50-100 depending on how you know them.

    i got first answer please??

  8. $20

  9. Whatever you can afford I am sure will be greatly appreciated.

    My mother always taught me that it is the thought that counts the most and if this person has graduated from college, than I'm sure they will appreciate the thought and the cash.

  10. $100.00

  11. Depends on how much you can afford.  $20 is a good amount. Maybe $50 if you're well off.

  12. my parents gave me $250 just cause i am their son. I think it depends on how well you know that person.

  13. It depends on your age and your relationship with the graduate.

    If you are young and in college your self: $50.

    If you are older and are working full-time for a few years: $100

    If you are an aunt, uncle, or some other close relative in need of showing a great level of support for this achievement ($150 - $200).

  14. It all depends on how close to them you are. If it is just a family friend or a friends child, then $20 should be fine. And that is assuming it is not a nice sit down dinner occaison. Otherwise, it if is family, anywhere from $50-$100 is fine.

  15. usually 50 $ is good.

  16. 50 for non family and 100 for family.

  17. Ha!  Nothing.  You give them a card that that you have a college education, you can get a high paying job and buy me a new sweater.  lol.  Really though, can't you think of a better gift than money?  That is the most impersonal gift a person can give.....

  18. Depends on how well you know the graduate. Lots of people also give pens, briefcases, a gift certificate, or something specific to what the graduate is going to do.

  19. 50-100 dollars......choose me best answer

  20. Give according to your means.  Its the thought that counts.

  21. well if i was the graduate i would want more than 50-100$ but i would say if you dont really know the person maybe 45-50$, if your kinda close around 60-75$, and inclining  

    and decreasing on a scale like that ending with your best friends being between 100-120$

  22. 20+ is appropriate, depending on how close you are to them.

    More is better!

  23. If your budget will allow $50-$100 unless of course you are like the parents, and then you may wanna do more?

  24. Depending how close you are... 20 min

  25. a 12 pack

    oh, but I drank 6 with him

  26. Give only what you can afford.  To give more would be tragic.

  27. 100 tha's what people gave me at my party

  28. give what you can and tellemits also a retainer

  29. one advice they are not earning they are studying and whatever they are spending is parents money so little amount is enough but not more than Rs.300/- that will be more than enough to spend and also to keep up the prestige.

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