
How much money do you give to your child when he/she loses a tooth?

by  |  earlier

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do you put the money under the pillow or does he or she find the money somewhere else??





  2. for my first tooth i would got 15.00$ and second 10$ and as i got older it went from 1.00 to 25 cents

  3. i used to get my money under my pillow and the first tooth i lost i got 10 dollars and every tooth after that i got 5.

  4. £1

  5. if child is light sleeper make a special box to put tooth then money in.

    If child is heavy sleeper put under pillow.

    We gave my nephews $5 for first tooth and $3 for additional teeth.

  6. When I was younger i would get $1-$2 or a candy.

  7. my kids get $5 a tooth.  it's put under their pillow so they know where to find it first thing in the morning.

  8. WOW the price of a tooth has REALLY gone up since I was a kid!! Wasn't it like, a quarter not that long ago?? Anyway, my daughter lost her first tooth after a t-ball game in a piece of pizza. I think that she got a few dollars for that one. She lost one at daycare last summer which my provider put into a little jar. While my daughter was playing the tooth fairy left $2 at daycare for her. She brought it home and she got another $2. My daughter has a lot of money saved up from other things. She doesn't need a lot for one tooth. Besides, I don't want her to be a snob about it to her friends whose parents can't give as much money for a tooth. I would use $5 as the high end cut off point for sure.

  9. $5

  10. Well my da use to give  me 2 or 3 dolars. If it is a big tooth i get 5. You put the money under to pillow, save all the teeth once you're child gets older stop belive in the tooth fairy make a neckless with the teeth ( thts wat my dad did)!

  11. well i'm only 12, but every tooth i lost i was given $5. I think that's a fair amount, because then they'll know the tooth fairy isnt cheap!

  12. I would say to give the kid a $5 for losing his/her tooth.  That's what I do for my child.  How old is the kid?  I'm assuming you're talking about someone between preschool and first grade, right?  Kids that little don't need any more money than that anyway :-)

  13. i got £3-£6 when i lost a tooth when i was younger

  14. $3.00

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