
How much money do you make as a preschool teacher?

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I teach preschool in Florida part time right now and I really love it. My parenst aren't too thrilled because I'm not using my degree. Is it worth it to continue teaching? And if you are a preschool teacher, what can I expect to earn full time?




  1. I work in administration at a school and I can tell you here that most of our teachers are making between 25,000 and 50,000.  The teachers making 50K have been here 20 teaching prek is not something lucrative.  Teachers tend to be in it for the love of teaching and seeing the look on a student's face when the "get it"...unless you are teaching at a major univeristy - then there can be better money involved.

  2. I am certified and only made $8.00/hr in a daycare setting.

  3. The highest paid person with an associate in Early Childhood Ed in the Pre-K I work at makes 9.50 an hour. But the cost of living here is really low too......the best way to figure out what you will make is the Bureau of Labor Stats. It is done by area/occupation. Good luck!

  4. 30k

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