
How much money do you need to live in Italy?

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I am planning to go and stay in Italy but I need advise from some one...that can help me by telling me about how much money do I need to live in Italy....thank you!!




  1. According to the papers many people squeak by on 800 to 1000 euro a month.... but they probably live in subsidized housing. I've also read that many retirees only get 300 to 500 Euro a month. AND to top things off - Italy is an expensive place to live. How do all these people get by. AND to top things off... many Italians buy 5 Euro packs of cigarettes, wear designer clothes (can you believe that a pair of Levi's cost nearly 100 bucks in Italy!) and are often out at the bars and go on exotic vacations. HOW DO THEY MAKE ENDS MEET?

    I know some students living in Milan.... and they are usually 3 or 4 to an appartment and pay anywhere from 300 to 500 euro each a month. Once you get by the cost of rent (and utilities), transportation and food you may need an additional 300 to 500 euro a month for a college like life style.

  2. a lot of money...

  3. I`m Italian and my husband American. We want to live in Italy too, but either we win a Lottery or hope for a miracle..... that would be a solution, because it is very very expensive to live in Italy, but it offers in exchange best food, best vines, best company, beautiful landscapes, beautiful people, happiness, time to enjoy LIFE.  I miss it!!

  4. Can you speak Italian, do you have an employable skill?  Italy is littered with North African and Albanian Refugees.  They are not likely to embrace you just because you are an American with a desire to live there!

  5. I live in Italy, but first how do you plan on supporting yourself, then where do you plan on living?  The major cities are very expensive, but even the smaller cities or towns are getting expensive also. The price of gas, utilities etc has really gone thru the roof in the last few years, and they will not be coming down anytime soon. Gas for a car right now is 1.45 euro a liter  thats approx. 9.28 $ american a gallon!!!

    When the dollar was higher, Italy was quite econmical, with the euro at 1.50-1.60 it has gotten quite costly. I don't want to discourage you, but.....

  6. Masd-  To answer to all...I'm American and my husband is Italian...I decided seven years ago to leave my beautiful Georgia for Italy (Lombardy).  It's quite expensive...I won't lie.

    Pleople do help each other a lot. There's still the mentality of giving a hand to others.  Price of gas is expensive, due to expeculation, more here than in the rest of the EU.  I do not fill up the tank in Italy, because I live near Switzerland, so Itake advantage of it.

    I guess many people get by, because they buy the necessary, and do not overcharge the credit cards like in the States.  The majority of Italians live in their own houses, so there's no payments to make, because the house was inherited or such.  This is obviously our case.  Many do can afford expensive trips, but others get loans to fund the trip.

    We do not have the health care expense like in the states, so that help.

    I do advised you to have a job or a job plan before you come, because is difficult to find one.  I'm a former  IT project manager, but I have not been able to find a job, because many people are hired based on "networking", and when hiring employees see a resume like mine, they prefer to either hire a younger person or someone with less education or experience, so they could pay less.  In my town, the majority work in Switzerland, because it pays more.  I can't because, here in Europe , employers give advantage to those who are EU citizens, if you are're left out, even if you could be the most qualified for the job.  You see we Americans made a huge mistake...we gave preference to Europeans over per say Hispanics or blacks, when the favor is not returned back...

    This is how it is...It's a beautiful place to live and grow your kids, but bureaucracy is heavy here...

    Good Luck

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