
How much money do you think I could make selling my old Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards?

by  |  earlier

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I have hundreds of these old Yugioh cards from years ago and I wonder how much I could sell them like on ebay, or trading card store. I'm in college, so I think of it as easy money. I think I have 4 full sets of exodia, 3 sets of each God card, rare special edition movie cards, some limited edition Blue eyed dragons, and about 50 other rare cards. (I spent a lot of time collecting) How much do you think I could sell these for? I was hoping for around $300-$400




  1. a lot of money

  2. some old yugioh cards are worth a lot,some not so much, old cards like the crush card virus go for $250, by the cards you have listed and cards im guessing you have your goal might be in reach.... but i still think you'll probably make around $100-$250


  4. well if they r old nd they rnt anymore left ok to tell the truth i dont no go to a game place nd ask them not uss were not that much of noit alls like u k so leave us alone nd have a nice day          jk jkk jkkk  i am just kiddin the older the r the more money nd the les the litterler only if they have like 2 coppoes nd thats it then it will prob b alot kk if u have anymore Qs ask me nd i will give it to  u cuz i am a really nice person i swaer u can ask any one cuzz they prob no me kk well i have to go so bybyyyy

  5. It depends completely on your buyer. If it was ebay, then the price can vary due to bidding. If it was a trading store, then I would imagine you could make $250-$300 or something around that region. A trading store would probably be your best option, because it reduces your chances of price differential. Personally, Yu Gi Oh trading cards are becoming obsolete and unfashionable, so i would personally wait some years (7/8+) and then sell them because they would become antique like. Well, sort of lol.

    Hope this helped!

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