
How much money do your parents give you for back to school clothes shopping?

by Guest34191  |  earlier

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How much money do your parents give you for back to school clothes shopping?




  1. i grew out of all my clothes ahahh im gunna spend over $800 for sure?

  2. Seriously sickening to hear someone say they get over 300 dollars for back to school shopping. Unless you grow out of your clothing you do not need another 300 dollars worth of clothes. I have been the same size for the last 3 years.

  3. NOTHIN!!!!! I have to buy my own stuff sometime the iz nice ta pitch in a dolla o 2!

  4. None. I own a really successful lawn care business of my own (not kidding), and I make plenty of money to spend on clothes and whatever else.  

  5. $500.00 for each semester.

  6. i got 300 dollars for my birthday.

    from my grandma so i went to aeropostale, hollister, american eagle, macy's, and gordmans and got alot(:.

    my mom is still taking me to abercrombie though(:

  7. When I was in shool, my mother always gave us a 100 dollar limit.  So I'd take the 100 dollars go to ebay and go to 2nd hand  thrift stores get my clothes for under 50 and spend the rest on notepad and pens.  My mother thought me as responsible for this, and I still do it today.  I can squeeze a lot out of one penny, you just have know where to look.  

    Name brand clothes are overrated, and they are just as effective as clothes from a second hand store.  

  8. I don't buy new school clothes. I buy maybe one or two new shirts adn a pair of pants, and im set. What's wrong with my clothes from last year?

    Im going in grade 8, and when i go to highschool i will have uniforms so i will need even less

  9. whatever i need!

    im new to the "rich kids school"

    and eveyone so stuck up!

    my parents want me to fit in!!!

    EDIT: thanks for the thumbs down

    you guys are cool!

    im not even spoiled so back off losers

    And i never said how much i "need"

    maybe i only need a 100$

    you dont know so dont assume

  10. 350 and Higher ♥

  11. $100

  12. about 350

  13. usually nothing.

    i have to make my own back to school shopping money.

    or get it from my grandma.

    she spoils me.

    but then its usually about 100 bucks.

    so to the thrift stores and outlets for me.

    its amazing the things people dont want.

  14. hahaha I love this question..

    The answer is NONE.

    I actually spend my own money to get my own clothes.

    And I give half of my check to my parents because they help support me.

  15. Well usually my parents don't give me money they buy my stuff for me but since this year i have a summer job i spent some money on clothes and my parents spend money on shoes and other stuff i need for school.

  16. minimal to none. I garage sale you'd be surprised at what u can find! and cool stuff too. not every Garage sale is made by Grandma!

  17. It varies for me. During middle school, I got around $400 each semester. I did well in school, (straight A's) and I was a good girl. If a child doesn't deserve the money, she/he shouldn't get it.

  18. none. i've never gone 'back to school shopping'

    this year for my birthday i got $200 dollars to spend on shirts of my choice (if that counts), and i have to buy my shoes, jeans, hoodies, accessories and such with my own money

  19. same here. I get EXACTLY $350 for clothes

  20. they don't give me money

    it's better that way because they don't realize how much they're spending

    over the summer i spent about 230 dollars in all on school clothes

  21. i shop with my parents, so I just put stuff in the cart and they pay for it, (the stuff has to be on sale).

  22. she doesn't give me money. we go shopping together and it usually adds up to $600+

    EDIT: but that includes school supplies and shoes (name brand). i wear uniforms and it can get expensive. i go shopping for the whole year so i try to get a lot at once

  23. $0. I buy all of my own clothes and have since I was 14. I'd much rather have to spend my own money than be a spoiled brat who has everything handed to me in life.

  24. 75 to 100 bucks

  25. Im 18 now and from the time i was 14 or so we wouldnt go back to school clothes shopping.My mom would buy me clothes when I needed it, usually when it was on sale.For my little brother ( who is 10) he needs some new clothes bad so my mom is budgeting 200 dollars for clothes and 50 bucks for shoes.

  26. My mother doesn't just hand over the money to me, when we go "back to school shopping" my mother and I like to make a big deal out of it and make it a fun filled day of shopping and bonding together.

    Usually we'll shop for supplies and clothes and try to get my hair done.

    My mother and I both love to shop and we just love looking around at all the new things. So we'll wake up, get in the car, and go to the mall. Not only do I get things, but she'll get stuff for herself. We'll usually go for our annual bra fitting at Victoria's Secret and exclaim how I couldn't have possibly gotten bigger. Then we'll head on over to other stores and have a blast trying to see how much clothes we can carry to the dressing room without dropping a clothing piece and we'll try on an outfit and we'll give our honest opinion. Then we'll get the clothes we like and we'll go pay for them and be on our way to buy school supplies.

    After all that is done we go out to eat and just talk about me going back to school and what I'll have to work on this year, I'll even discuss my goals with her and such.

    By the end of the day, we're both tired and pooped out.

    So to answer your question I don't just get money handed to me for back to school shopping. That's not that fun. I go with my mom and we shop together. It's an extremely fun day and I, the person who hates following tradition absolutely loves this one. :)  

  27. Zip.

    Its called uniforms. I wear them. But they are sorta expensive. So i dont get clothes for school...i get clothes for weekends =]

    I get all my new clothes during the summer and august (I got 250 for winter clothes that i bought this summer. Cuz I wasn't about to go to New York, and my mom made it up to me by giving me a shopping spree...but I get to go now..). Then if I need more winter clothing, I get it on christmas. Thats it. And I go on 2 annual trips to california where I can go to California, and go to Fred Segal, which has expensive stuff. I am going there really soon. I need jeans and long sleeve shirts, so thats what I plan to get. =]

  28. egh theres not like an exact number..

    but under $125.  

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