
How much money does a dental surgeon (oral surgeon) earn?

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I'm thinking of being a dental surgeon and wondering if all of the University pays off or if its better to be a dentist...How much does an average PRIVATE dental surgeon earn (keep in mind I live in Canada) a year?




  1. If they work for a chain dentists office (such as Coast Dental), they earn anywhere between 150'000.00 to 250'000.00 and even up to 300'000.00 $ per year. It just depends on how many patients they see per day. If you open your own office, in which case, you will have to do your own hiring/firing/business headache, they will make even up to 600'000.00 $ per year.. also depends on how many patients come in.

    Honestly, dentists have a bright future and their working hours are not that many.. very nice job!

  2. they have visitors from 10 to 20 Pateint per day and each pays from $200 to $1000.

  3. Standard per diem in NYC is $800.

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