
How much money does a paranormal reseacher make? Also who are they funded by is it the goverment?

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I really am into by this carrier track. I need to know all the info I can get. I'm into all thing paranormal. Please help!




  1. Most paranormal research is done by people interested in the field for free.

    At best, some investigators may make a little money on the side for investigations. But in general it would never be enough money to live off of.

    For most of people involved, its an interest that is done as a part time hobby. I personality, would love it if there is more available.

  2. Paranormal research is pretty much a hobby. Even the members of the Parapsychological Association have day jobs.No,the government doesn't fund it.

  3. Since you asked this in the parapsychology section I think it's OK to point out to you that there is a difference between a paranormal researcher that could included researching anything including Big Foot, UFOs and Astrology and a parapsychology researcher that studies ESP, PK, and survival after death human experiences.

    Most full members of the Parapsychological Association (link below) hold doctorate degrees in conventional sciences (psychology, medicine, engineering, physics) and work full time in university setting usually teaching, researching and publishing in the various fields of science in which they are trained.

    In fact one of the requirements for full membership is a doctorate degree. One can also hold a university or research affiliation but these positions are rare to hold without a doctorate degree. The affiliation can not be that you are the billing secretary for the University.

    Thus, for salaries you would have to look into what a biology professor or a physics professor on average makes as an annual salary.

    The Occupational Outlook Handbook (link below) is available online and in most public libraries and contains this information.

    What science you wish to purse an education in depends on what you wish to study and what approach you wish to take. For example wanting to study say ESP in animals would best be served by an education in biology. (link below). While studying why some people despite evidence that meets all the standards for every area of science including parapsychology refuse to accept the evidence would be best served by a degree in psychology.

    Funding comes from many sources and again depends on what area you are studying. The Parapsychology Foundation and other private sources have grants available for research, some universities fund, at least in part. the research of their professors and the US (and other) governments have grants through different agencies for example the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (link below) have grants available for qualified researchers.


  4. They don't make money, because you are "researching & investigating".

    You can however apply for a grant.

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