
How much money does a website cost? and how much can i make?

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How much money can I make from having my own site for g*y men.. it will have some adult content and just blogging and forums

I've heard from Google's Adsense it can be thousands a month?! Thats like a salary

I want to start in 2-3 years

so i'm hoping blogging and adsense will still be as popular as it is today




  1. Websites cost more then you would think. I wouldn't say thousands a month but. I pay about $100 - $150 per month between Google and Yahoo.

    Look around The Adult sites. Most of them will pay you to drive people from your site to theirs. You put their ad on your page and when someone clicks on that ad, leading to the other guys site, the other guy pays you. This is a good money maker for doing nothing but maintaining a site.

    Why do you want to wait so long? can get you set up and running today for $80. Go get a $20 web program at the store, and their ya go.

  2. Those are broad questions.  A site can cost $4.95/month for cheap hosting, or you can even get a free one.

    On the earnings side, a college guy named Mark started a site that's worth $15 billion now (Facebook), so the sky's the limit.  There are many people out there making $10K+/month.

  3. To make a website you need a domain and webhosting.As an experienced webmaster I recommend purchase your domain and webhosting together. In this way it is possible to get your domain for free. Some webhosting companies offer this as a gift . The best one is hostmonster webhosting since they offer unlimited bandwidth, free domain,free site builder etc etc

  4. There is no way to find out how much you will make untill you do it and try out diffrent ways of marketing to get the best responce. I am launching a website builder website in a month or so . If you are going to wait that long check it out . It will be   You will be able to build up to 5 websites for the low price of only 14.95 per month. That includes the builder and the hosting :)

  5. "Thousands of dollars" will only come if you are getting hundreds of thousands of unique visitors a day. That usually takes a minimum of 6-12 months for most sites even with a HUGE marketing budget. The fact is- most websites don't make enough money to support their creators and they end up taking a loss when they pay their server bill. Your best bet online is to create a product or service that generates real revenue over just advertising dollars.

    Oh and a decent site for adult ads is

    Happy trails.

  6. Website costs is a very big question. You can build a good website for free. Alot of free services out there give you room to start. The only question is, how big of a jump do you want to make and how soon.

    Minimum cost for an enjoyable website: 5 minutes of your time a week.

    Maximum cost for an almighty professionally built website: Ive seen people quote 800 bucks a month.

    On the other hand, how you can make with a website is an even bigger question. Thats like asking " How much money can I make if a penny appears every time my dog takes 10 steps"

    Well, first off how many dogs do you have. Second off, how active is your dog. Third, how much space do you have for your dog to run before it has no space left and has to start over? And finally... whats the motivation for your dog to keep running and never stop?

    Traffic is everything. You can dump thousands of dollars into a proffessionally made website, and never get a dang penny back.

    Or you can use a free geocities website, and make hundreds of dollars a year ( I hesitate to say hundreds of dollars a month, but if your  great you can pull it off. )

    If you want help, contact me here

    If you want to run it solo, I suggest you start with Geocities on a free account. When you have reached your maximum you can do there... upgrade to the next level... costs like 5 bucks a month. When thats no longer good enough, step up to the next level.. and so on.

  7. Ha.......your g*y! YEP! Oh yeah! Thousands of dollars!

  8. You can't put Google ads on an adult website.

    The cost of your website will depend on the features it has. If you will have a blog and forums, it might not cost too much. Expect to pay $1500+ for a custom blog/forum website.

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