
How much money does it cost to attend 6 years of college?

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I want to become a dentist. It takes 4 years (bachelors degree), and 2 years of dentistry school.

So, how much does it cost?

*If it matters, I'm going to University of North Texas (UNT)*




  1. This is very tough to tell but I can tell you what I pay.

    For instate at Indiana University I pay about $15,000 a year. I would say average instate is between $15,000 and $20,000 per year. I am including room and board in this.

    I'm afraid I'm not much help if you are out of state.

  2. It depends. Are you an instate or out-of-state? What dentistry school to hope to attend? Then you have to calculate the rate of increase each year. Then there's housing, food, transportation, and other fees. And then the rate of increase each year. It's impossible to tell exactly. In America the economy is in a recession and the value of a dollar is decreasing. Prices will go up. It's impossible to predict the exact amount.

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