
How much money does someone have to make before Obama considers them "rich"?

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No, percentages, just dollar amounts. I want to know how much I can make before I get taxed to death. I have never heard him say exactly what he considers rich.




  1. Raise taxes on people during a recession - go ask Carter how well that worked out!!!

  2. $48,600 a year. He says "$250,000 a year." but most people cite the 48k as the bracket he's going to start really super-taxing when he takes office. Otherwise, there's no way he can pay for his plans.  

  3. Here are some numbers

  4. I don't know exactly how much money you have to make before Obama considers someone rich but in my opinion Obama would definitely qualify.

    Have you ever noted that rich men have always run as candidates for the Democrats. The Kennedys are rich. John Kerry's wife has a fortune from the Hunt's Ketchup company.

    Have you noticed that poor people have been voting Democrat for decades, and their still poor!

  5. "rich" isn't a number

    Taxes are on a sliding scale

    All Americans are rich (and spoilt ) , some just don't know it!

  6. The very first thing a Democrat does when elected is sock it to you tax wise and regulate the h**l out of you.

  7. He said 250,000. Economists agree that his is the best tax plan.

  8. The tax hikes will begin at around $50,000 and incrementally go up from there.

  9. I dunno but I do know McCain thinks the middle class is anyone making less than 5 million.

    You gotta be so proud of your guy!

  10. Obama and is wife are trash nuff said...

  11. $250,000 ... making over $20,000 a month.

  12. As soon as you hit $ 250,000 you can hand over your check and get food stamps and a housing voucher in return. Then we can all be equal isn't that just wonderful ?

  13. He considers all White people rich. Vote accordingly.

  14. Anybody who works for a living gets taxed to death. Seriously, he wants to raise taxes on those making over $250,000 per year, but don't let that fool you. He wants to raise the payroll tax (Social Security tax) ceiling. Right now, income over around $100,000 per year phases out on Social Security taxes. Basically, if you make less than $100,000 per year, you're fine.

    Raising taxes on the rich is basically the sissy approach because so few people make that much. It's like 95% of the population voting for a tax on the other 5%. It's mobocracy and not democracy.

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