
How much money does the Toothfairy leave?

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It used to be a dollar when I was a kid, but my friend's daughter is about to lose her first tooth, and we were wondering if inflation made that amount go up.

She doesn't want her daughter to get less then the other kids in her class when they are comparing tooth sums. :)




  1. I used to get a dollar and I think one time I may have gotten five. Then I found out a few years ago that my nephew got $20!!!

  2. I give two for the first

    One after

    there are 28 teeth

    5 dollar a tooth, you can do something eles with the money

  3. I remember getting $1...But what I would feel even more rich and more proud of losing a tooth when I would either get a dollar coin or getting every coin that added up to a dollar; like five pennies, four nickles, three dimes, and two quarters. makes a BIG difference from gettin a dollar bill and getting makes it more "special"

  4. im sorry that i cann't help you, i dont do the tooth fairy with my kids.  but i give them a dollar when they let me pull their teeth.  it doesnt bother them that there is no tooth fairy.

  5. Man i didnt get a dollar, and it was only um slightly more the 10yrs ago. I am going to ask my mother about this. lol

    But a dollar is cool. But i think more should be given when front 2 teeth go mayb $2 per incisor


  6. We gave our two oldest $1.50 and when my youngest is ready to lose hers it will probably be $2.00.

  7. For the very first tooth perhaps $5 and then for each additional $1.

  8. $1.00 or $2.00.  Heck I used to get .50 cents.

  9. It was a dollar for me.

  10. Losing teeth is part of growing up and should be taught teeth fall to grow their permanent ones not for a value.My granddaughter thinks it's cool to lose teeth and is forcing hers to fall just to get money,wrong thing for kids to think.Explain how  it works and if you chose to give money that's OK, but be careful.What is the value of a tooth lost?

  11. The one dollar Sacajawea coins are really fun.  Kids like coins better than paper.  Getting them from the tooth fairy makes them special.

  12. Well, if possible give her a Sacajawea coin dollar its better, if not give her $2.00.  If the tooth was a pain full pull give her $3.00.  Each time she loses a tooth increase the sum by 10 cents in less you can find a Sacajawea coin.

  13. For one thing the tooth farie is not real. For another thing i would not let her no the tooth farie isnt real. I would give her 1.50.

  14. I never considered what the other kids got from the tooth fairy. It's like Santa Claus. I tell my kids that when a tooth is lost, I call and make a pick up appointment with her, and then she leaves whatever amount she leaves. Although, because a couple of my small children had extensive dental work, when they lost a baby tooth that had a crown they got $2 in stead of $1.

  15. Aww that's so cute.

    I got ten cents when I was a kid -_-

  16. i think we gave our daughter $5. Not only because she lost her first set of teeth, but also because she's doing great in school, and its something for her to look forward to.

  17. Our toothfairry leaves $2, $5 if it was a difficult tooth that was hard to come out.

  18. I gave my daughter five bucks for her first. Then 1 dollar for each after. I told her the tooth fairy thought you should get more because it was your first. I forgot one night and doubled it the next night - I told her the tooth fairy is so busy, sometimes she can't get all of them in one night,lol.

  19. I give my kids $1.00 when they lose a tooth. Although when I was young I only got like .50 cents.

  20. can you fit a mustang under a kids pillow lol

  21. It's not about the amount it's about the fun and magic.

    I think $1 is perfectly sufficient. I reccomend leaving a gold dollar because the child will think it is really cool.

  22. Well when my daughter lost her first tooth we gave her $5.00. And the same with my son.. They were really excited about having that much money.. And now that they are losing there teeth more and more these days we give around $4-5.00. So it depends on what you feel is fair for your child. And if you think they deserve a little bit more for pulling the tooth out... Hope this helped

  23. im only 15 but when i was about his age i got $2  

    so $3 for the first tooth and$2.50 for the rest

  24. Our kids get a $1 coin-which happens to be gold! They love it because it isn't just a dollar bill, its this big, gold coin, I love how easy it is to please the little ones! :)

  25. im thirteen but i have a 6 yr old sister and we give her 5 buck and then we hide the tooths in a safe place be carefull about this cause i found my teeth when i was little

  26. It's not particularly constructive to make the tooth fairy about money.

    Try using dollar coins (either Susan B Anthony or Sacagawea) or even 50 cent pieces to make it more interesting.

    As a nanny and babysitter, I know plenty of families that still give one dollar or less.

  27. 2 Bucks is fine.

  28. I usually do 5-10 bucks for my son who's 7.

  29. Between 1 and 2 Dollars. (One time our toothfairy didn't have change a left 5.)

  30. Maybe a dollar?  Or whatever the toothfairy wants to leave.  Once my daughter got a $20, I guess the toothfairy didn't have smaller bills that night!  My child would have been devestated if the fairy had to come back the next night.

  31. i always got $1. one time my mother forgot to get money for 4 nights. I ways crying so hard. then i woke up the next day and there was $5. I was so happy.

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