
How much money does this country give out to other countries..?

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Please name countries and amounts..thank you Really curious.




  1. Here's some information I located -

    The US is the biggest donor of foreign aid in the world in terms of actual dollars, but because the GDP and Gross National Income of the US is so high, percentage wise, it gives less than other countries.   Think of it this way, a multimillionaire who gives $1,000 to charity versus a single mother who makes $19,000 a year who gives $100.  The single mother is making more of a sacrifice to give that $100 even though the dollar amount is less.

    The UN had suggested that countries give 0.7% of their GNI as foreign aid.  The US gives about half of that amount each year.  Mostly only the Scandanavian countries are able to exceed the 0.7% amount.

  2. Only a tiny fraction of our loans from places like China. The joke is on voters and taxpayers who don't get it.

    What other nation (via the u.s. congress) has a $10 trillion national debt and yet borrows nearly a third of its annual operating budget to meet the payrolls and payments due? What other nations would then mail out $150 billion in "stimulus" checks to each and ever citizen, rich and poor? It is getting late, do you know where your congressman and senator is? What is up with these esteemed leaders?

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