
How much money for a disabled arm?

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when i was born the doctor pulled my hand too hard during delivery, and i had too go through sugery after sugery and nothing worked. and now my arm is crippled and scared. how much money can i sue the hospital for




  1. I'm not really sure what suing would accomplish at this point in your life.

    When I was going though my bone cancer something went wrong during my first amputation. The result was many more revisions though out my life. At one point my mother was told she could sue if she wanted to but really there wasn't any point. Sure we would have received some sort of settlement but money wouldn't have fixed any of the problems. Having been sued the hospital would be more stressed and it could lead to other people suing for minor insignificant things. Tying up the time of talented doctors and nurses.  My Father is a nurse so we all knew how stressful it is and how easy something can go wrong. Frankly I'm amazed there are not more mistakes made in hospitals. I'm very happy to say my father has never made any sort of mistake that I am aware of but there are weeks were he works shift after shift with little to no sleep because there is no one else to do it.

    Yes it is terribly unfortunate that during your delivery your arm was injured.But will suing really fix that.

    Maybe my mind set is a little different because where I live most health care is covered though our taxes. But I know for myself a few thousand dollars isn't going to give me the same satisfaction that being told my latest doctor could fix all the problems did.  

  2. If you have just reached adulthood you may have a case. It depends in part on whether your parents pursued anything and signed off your rights. My son was bitten by a dog as a child and I was told I could sue or he could sue when he became an adult. I had to sign a paper that said I would not pursue any further litigation once a settlement was reached. It prevented him as an adult from pursuing anything either because he had already received a settlement (in trust).

    As to value - it would be based upon the value at the time of the incident, not current value.

    You would be suing the doctor, not the hospital. Is the doctor even still alive?  

  3. Unfortunately, I'd imagine that the statute of limitations would make it difficult to sue the hospital at this point in time.

    Medical Malpractice Statute of limitations by State:

    When Must a Medical Malpractice Suit be Filed?

    The statute of limitations will vary among claims and each state's medical malpractice law - the limit may range from six months to four years. In addition, in some states the statute of limitations for a medical malpractice suit may be delayed for an injured child until the child reaches a specific age.

    When Does Time Begin?

    The period of time during which a medical malpractice suit must be filed usually begins with the date of harm. For instance, a person who suffers injuries as a result of medical malpractice has a certain time period - starting from the date of the injury - to file a medical malpractice suit against the other party.

    There are instances, however, in which an injury is not discovered for months or years after it occurs. In these cases, under medical malpractice law, the statute of limitations is applied when the injury is discovered or when the injury should have been discovered.

    For example, a patient who suffers an injury as a result of a medical instrument being left inside the body during surgery will have a certain period of time starting from the date the mistake was discovered. If the patient begins to experience pain a month later, seeks treatment, and the mistake is found, the statute of limitations will apply starting from the date the mistake was discovered. If the patient delays treatment for months after having the pain, the starting date of the statute of limitations will most likely apply to the point at which the patient first began having the pain, when the mistake should have been discovered.

  4. in my area you have 2 years from date of injury--2 years from teh time you turn 18--or 2 years from teh time you found out about the injury---

    if its been longer tahn that--nothing-

    it all depends on how impaired you are......

  5. Sue,We have become a nation of people that always want to sue someone,,It get ridicules.

    This is way many doctors try not to operate on someone because of this..there going to be a time when we won't get what we really need to live better or even live..Good health care will no longer be affordable unless you have lots of money.  

  6. Check the statute of limitations for your state.  

  7. The statue of limitations has probably expired in your case. Please consult a qualified attorney for legal advice.  

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