
How much money for food stamps can you get for a family of four?

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There are three adults and one child living in the house. How much can we get a month?




  1. It depends on the income of the adults. Who works? who doesn't? Maybe, if only one person works in the home...It would be up to 400-700...

  2. It all depends on your households income. The more money comming in,the lower your foodstmaps will be. For my personal situation for example:

    We are a family of 3

    My husband works 20 hours a week at $9 an hour

    I recieve SSI in the amount of $637 per month

    Our house payment is $283.24 per month

    We have one child only who is not working

    Our monthly foodstamp benefit is a measley $95,and believe me,that $95 doesn't buy much so when that's spent we are on our own for groceries.

    However when my husband is NOT working,our foodstamps jump to almost $400 per month...........go figure!

    They don't want you to get ahead by any means. If your earning,they are cutting!

    And as for my SSI my husband can only make $1,000 a month BEFORE taxes and then they start cutting it down when he goes over that amount.

  3. Maybe the 3 adults should get jobs so that the rest of the working class doesn't have to support them.  If you can't feed yourselves on your own, you should starve.

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