
How much money goes to my troop[girl scouts]?

by  |  earlier

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per box of cookies{3.50 per box}




  1. almost nothing.  I heard this from my aunt who was unwilling to buy, so maybe not accurate.  Go to their website.  Google.

  2. You can contact the GS Council in your area but we get almost $2.00 per box sold. It is better than nothing and everyone LOVES GS cookies.

    I think any troop leader that does not participate is cheating their scouts from a good learning experience and also cheating the entire organization from the money earned, not to mention their own troop. It is alot of work but very well worth it in the end.

    I bought $200 worth from my grandchild and sent them to my daughter in Iraq. 2 good causes served at the same time.

  3. 54% goes to Girl and Volunteer Services: such as the program center, camps, training volunteers, financial assistance grants, books and equipment.

    15% goes directly to the troop

    28% covers the cost of making/ delivery the cookies as well as the paperwork involved

    2% go to the girl for her incentives. this would be patches and awards for the number of boxes sold.

    1% Other (Postage, Debt, Misc Expense)

  4. I was a girl scout and so was my daughter. 25% goes to the troop for trips and such and the rest goes to the councel to fund camps and activities for the girls who would not be able to afford it otherwise. Last time I knw, girlsccouts in general are nonprofit

  5. For our area it's 60¢ per box.

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