
How much money have u spent on ur aquarium and fish?

by Guest56128  |  earlier

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How much money have u spent on ur aquarium and fish?




  1. waaay too much! haha

    easily over $1000 and thats just on the tanks and filters

    add in the decor, fish and filter cartridges.... lookin at ALOT haha

  2. Well over $1000

    on fish alone.  

  3. ALOT! No idea how mcuh altogether, but its alot.

  4. $300

  5. what I have now $1300. still going

    in my life time you could probly buy a house with it.

  6. $300 in half a year for a 55 gallon tank with tank included  

  7. Wow, these other answerers have spent a lot of money.  I've spent waaaaay less than a thousand dollars.  It could only be a hundred, at the most.

    Ten gallon tank at garage sale with awesome rock cave thing:  $10

    Gravel, a ten pound bag: $10

    Aponogeton bulbs, five count:  $2

    Seven bettas and one female guppy:  $50

    Algae cleaning magnet:  $5

    Bubbler found in garage: $0

    Airstone:  $1

    Filter found in garage:  $0

    Overhead light for tank:  Free 'cause broken (I fixed it, hee hee hee)

    Over head light bulbs:  $3

    Algae killing chemicals for outdoor pond:  $10

    Me digging the outdoor pond:  One day of my life in the hot sun with a wheelbarrow and a shovel.

    Outdoor pond liner:  Free from roofing friend.  It's the waterproof part of rooves, basically just rubber.

    Guppies for pond:  $6

    Betta for pond:  $5

    Pump for pond:  Found in garage

    Fish medicine and chemicals: $10

    Yup, so the grand total is...  $112.  That's not too shabby, considering I've got a planted tank (the aponogetons multiplied like crazy) and a beautiful swimming bunch of bettas in my ten gallon and an awesome group of guppies in my pond.  Not too bad, not too bad at all.  :)

  8. I will calculate this. lol And I will realise how much I have spent just by doing this. The fish I list are in the order i bought them.

    Tank and stand was free.. Had it for atleast 10 years, got it from my aunt. This is the second time its being used. It has been up and running for 9 months now.

    $20 for a filter. It works good.

    $12 for a heater.

    Gravel was $10.

    Plastic plants $10

    Decorations.. spent $30. Not using all of them now.

    Fish I have bought. Some still alive, some dead.

    6 Silvertip tetras. $10 for 6. Only have one left now.

    4 male guppies.. $10. Dont have them anymore.

    A pair of swordtails. $10. Female died. Only male alive.

    1 Chinese Algea eater. $3.50. Took it back because it was agressive.

    2 Male dwarf gourami.. $10 ($5 Each) (Still Alive)

    3 Balloon Mollies & 2 Female swords. 5 for $10. Only mollies still alive.

    1 Gold Gourami. $5 . Still alive.

    3 small clown loach. $15. One died :(

    Total = Almost $150 .. If I include food, water conditioner, meds.. and what not..

    Oh gosh. i realised I lost a lot of fish.. But i do take good care of them. Its my first time keeping fish "properly". So far so good.

    Gonna upgrade my tank.. So I will spend another $1000 on that.. And buy live plants... new filter, heater.. etc..

    So I will spend soo much money on my fish.. But its worth it.

  9. Tank + filter ( $ 50dollars )

    Gravel ( 4got )

    wood ( dad gave it to me :D )

    other ( $ 2 dollars )

    Blackmoor ( $ 2 dollars )

    Ryukin ( $2 dollars )

    4 fantails ( $ 7 dollars...on sale!!! )

    light ( 4got )

    food ( $ 8 dollars )

    snacks ( $ 8 dollars ...algae dics )

  10. I am keeping fishes from 5 year's and up till know i have spend round about $25000

  11. for my ten gallon ive spent $150 adn im not even done buying everything yet so i will probably spend closer to 200 with upkeep costs on top of that but i think its a good investment

  12. First off I have like 4 aquariums and pond >_<

    and I'm only 15! I'm addicted to fish.

    I don't even wanna calculate all of it, but I think the tank that I spent the most money on, would have to be the 55gal tank..hmm, lets see...







    Filters and other needed equipment-$80

    Medicines and chemicals/food-$60

    MY LOVE FOR FISH---- ****PRICELESS**** xD lol..

  13. 500-600 dollars and counting!

  14. For my Disucs set up I spent at least $1000+

    Ok I'll add it up or estimate the price

    Fish tank $300

    Fish $200

    Plants $100

    Set up (filter,pump gravel etc..) $200

    Food $50

    Medicine $400


  15. I've spent over $2,000 on my tank, which is a deal because my tank is a 75 gallon acrylic with wet/dry bio-ball filter sump, lighting, 2 canister filters, UV sterilizer, and protein skimmer. My fish itself, I spent over $700.00. Not to mention fish food, water conditioners, hydrometer, filter padding, Carbon, live rocks and corals.

    It's very costly to have a saltwater aquarium, but it's very interesting and relaxing.

    Anyways, thanks for posting this question.................

  16. For my 75 gallon marine tank, around $1,800, and that doesn't count the animals. I got top-of-the-line equipment, so the cost was higher than most people need to spend.

    The animals...around $150, and I'm not done stocking. I went to a local fish store that charges more than other places, but has the healthiest pets I've ever seen.

  17. for my 24g nano reef, $1,000. and counting.  

  18. Easily over $1000 on fish and all the supplies needed ( etc..)  

  19. well... my 10g was about a 250$ project lol...

    my 5g betta tnak was about 150$ thing

    that doesnt count all the upkeep costs, food, fish , and suplies=]

    i am actually currently looking into a 55galln tank, and ive priced it at 800$ arpx. to buy it if i buy all new... i may just buy second-hand though with those pricings!! lol =] hope i helped..

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