
How much money in US dollars should I bring with me to Italy?

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I am going to Rome, Florence, and Venice for 1 week with 3 of my family members. I just need to know how much money I should bring to spend on food and transportation.

Oh, and does anyone know how much a metro ticket is in Rome or Florence?




  1. Rome: metro tickets are 1 euro one way or 75 mins, 4 euro for a full day, 11 euro for a 3 day pass and 16 euro for one week.

    You will need to budget quite a bit for the hotels. A double room at a cheap 2/3 star will cost you upwards of 120 euro. A single room you maybe able to find for about 60 euro.

    Meals in the centre of Rome can be pricy depending where you go. You can get a pizza and something to drink for about 10 euro, or if you want a nicer meal, but still on a budget average for 20 euro upwards.

    To get into sites like museums it is between 6 - 12 euro depending which ones.

    Do not bring US dollars with you. If you have a atm card bring that as you can withdraw from the cash machines and get a better exchange rate.

    Have a great time! I live in Rome so the above information is pretty acurate.

  2. Listen to Marisa.  Additionally, the Euro will cost about $1.60, and if you buy things near the tourist areas, they will cost you more than in other areas.

  3. I'm going for 4 weeks, and Im taking about 1-2 thousand euro, but I have people hosting me...

  4. I say don't bring any dollars into Italy, use ATM's or pay with credit card.  There will be ATM's at the airport. It isn't a good idea to bring at lot of cash into the country.  The exchahge rates you get will be better than exchanging cash, you take out money  as you need it and don't have to deal with leftover Euros.

  5. a good rule of thumb is that food in Europe costs about double what it does in the US.  As for transport, gasoline is a little more than double the price as well.  I believe that mass transit is still pretty cheap in Italy, but I haven't been there in over 10 years.  

    Don't take much cash, money exchange is always a bad deal.  use a credit card or withdraw cash from an ATM instead.  

    Or better yet, get your family members to feed you and take you around!

  6. Use the ATM, but check with your bank to see what "sister" banks they have so you don't get nailed on non-bank international charges.  Oh, and they use 4 digit pins.  Change yours.  Additionally, notify your bank and credit card company where you will be so they don't reject odd charges.

  7. 10k or so depends on all your expenses.

  8. Florence has not got a metro.

    In Rome 1 metro ticket costs 1 euro ( 1,5 $).

    In Italy in the past , life costed less than in the US.

    Now 1 euro is 1,57$, so you can plan to spend more or less the same money that you would spend in the US.

    Bye. Enjoy your time in Italy!

  9. These days A million... the euro is killing the US dollar.

  10. A very cheap hotel runs around 60 euros a day (per person) cheaps hotels charge per person and not per room. For food try the menus (complete meals) mostly around 15 euros per person. The subway in Rome is around 12 euros for 2 days, unlimited rides (at least that was 3 years ago when I went for vacation).

    In Florence you won't need metro, the city is not that big, so you can just walk. The food prices are pretty much the same in Rome and Florence, just remember that Florence being in the north of Italy offers a different variety of meals (Tuscan Food) despite Rome.

    Visa and Master Card work fine, but It's almost imposible to find an ATM that accepts American Express or Discover. So be careful. In the case of Discover not even restaurants are familiar with that name.

    If you are planing on withdraw cash, do it on an ATM not on the Exchage currency office, they charge a lot on fees, and your bank withdraw fee won't be as much.

    As for the cost just add the hotel price, food as 35 euros per person per day (MINIMUM) and the 12 of metro, and multiply it times 1.54 and it will give you the amount in dollars.

    Good luck and have fun

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