
How much money is a used nintendo wii worth?

by  |  earlier

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I am selling my nintendo wii to my friend. how much should i ask for it?




  1. I would sell it to him for at least $250. Thanks to an ebay debacle, I wound up with two Wiis, and rather than sell it on ebay and make a crazy profit I sold my friend's friend my extra one at cost.

    So whatever you paid is what I would sell it for.  

  2. sell it for like 180-260

    i mean com on he is ur friend

  3. 200


  4. I know that Gamestop will let you trade it in for $160. I would check E-Bay and see what kind of deals are going on there. If you can, I would wait closer to Christmas, then put it on E-bay. I know that last year, I watch some kid sell his in a store for four hundred dollars. I don't know if they will be as hard to get this year, but if you are intent on selling it soon, I would charge around $220, especially if it is in good shape and you are selling everything that it came with, including Wii Sports. Some people might complain that that is almost thecost of a new Wii, but tell them that you have one and you can't guarantee if anyone else will.

  5. To a friend... with just the Wii... it kind of depends how long you used it, but I would say $200.


  7. if its in good condition then about $195.00

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