
How much money is good enough for 3 weeks in Europe?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to be in Germany most of the time, Amsterdam, Belgium, France, Prague, and Italy.




  1. In addition to transportation and lodging, 2,000 euros ($ 2,500) should be enough for food, drinks, souvenirs and miscellaneous.

  2. which currency to euro are we talkin

  3. a couple thousand...maybe 2 ..

  4. Take what you have and spend like there is no tomorrow.

  5. I spent $500, but im thrifty (also in 3 weeks in Europe)...

    France, Switz, Austria, and Italy.

    Where are you goin there?

  6. In addition to my "room & board" (food & lodging) expenses, I usually take about 150 Euro. This is enough to buy small rememberance items of the places I visit, and pay postage (First Class, Express) for postcards back to home. It is also enough to keep me under the $500 limit on duty (although that usually applies to large purchases, only), and makes my declarations documents easy to fill out when I come home.

    And take LOTS of pictures!

  7. 3 thousand.

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