
How much money is this coin worth?

by  |  earlier

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It is a 1936 Buffalo nickel. It looks like this one:

Only thing is that backround is cut out of the indian head

I have seen some prices online, but the prices range from $2.00 - $200.00

Anyone who knows coins know how much this antique costs?




  1. when they cut the coin, it lost all collectable value. it is not worth a nickel.

  2. All you have is a piece of jewelry. It is common for jewelers to cut out buffalo nickels as well as mercury dimes that are low grade or common dates and make things out of them. They have no collector value as they are damaged coins.

  3. I would see how much they are selling for on ebay.

    My friend had a rare quarter valued at $75 and it was only selling on ebay for $3.

    Sometimes what it is worth and the retail value someone would by it for are two totally different amounts.

  4. Depends, what is the mintmark and what do you mean by the background being cut out of the indian head? In G-4 condition it would be $1.

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