
How much money is wasted each year by people filling their car tanks to full?

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Should we restrict peoples consumption which they they know little about?




  1. Huh? Money would be wasted by NOT filling their car tanks. After all, by not filling the tanks, people would need to go to the gas station more often, thereby using more gasoline than by filling the tank each time.

  2. they are sheep .... why not get mad at the rip off lying frauds the gasoline companies are.... be better served.... they are crooks all!!!

    for instance... did you know that diesel is a byproduct of regular gas??????

    that means that all the truckers who are paying for fuel is already paid for by what you and I put into our tanks!!!!!!!!

    or how about anyalsis say that gas should only be 1.29 a gallon

    but for nonsensical "additives" it's 4$+   winter gas costes more...lies

    or how can a " fuel crisis " that we all pay for , and the fuel companies have RECORD BREAKING PROFITS...... lies lies lies...and monkeys in congress allow it....

    or the arab's only pay .49$ a gallon over there??????????

    this is what you should question...this is what American should get mad and do something about.....

  3. put this in the eco section

  4. tons of money, and i mean TONS.

    like gakjsa;kjfgillions of dollars!!!

  5. In cold weather when fluids are condensed, you get more for your money. Not much, just some.

    In the summer, the reverse is true.

    But the real question is, how many times have you filled up because the price came down, and you want to get it before the price goes back up--then the price comes down more you discover you would have saved an extra $2?

    But then, maybe that all evens out in the end, as well.

    This is my new website, dealing with naturalism. Thanks for looking.

  6. Yes, we should restrict people from every wasteful thing they do.  People have no right to decide their own course of action if it's wasteful.  We should also restrict water from those who don't turn off the faucet while they brush their teeth, and paper from those who don't print on both sides.

    We should establish a cabinet post and appoint a "waste restriction" czar to establish laws, fines and jail time for every wasteful act.  And God help us if we waste electricity surfing the web for the latest Youtube video.

    Oh, and what about the waste of hauling around that back seat in your car when you don't have passengers.  That seat weights alot more than a half tank of gas.  The front passenger seat too.  And what about the weight of the "luxury" items in your car - carpeting, headliner, radio, etc.  Also waste that someone should restrict.  

    By the way, between the energy lost in the performance of the extra fills, the amount of additional gas lost to the atmosphere during the additional acts of filling a tank, the added energy in helping the additional people who run out of gas more frequently, and the losses from wear and tear of gas pumps, etc., a full tank is better.  You don't get my vote for "waste restriction" czar.

  7. One thing to keep in mind is that if one only filled up half way, while this would save energy in moving the weight around, one would have to make more stops at the gas station, requiring extra distance/energy expended.

  8. As long as you have a plan to get them to work.

  9. who gives a **** about money? think about the gas we waste gallon by gallon

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