
How much money or investments do you need to get into Australia?

by  |  earlier

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My sister wants to "buy" her way into Australia as they are property investors and have a couple other businesses which can be seen as assets. How much do they need in assests or in their bank account to skip the whole visa application process, if possible?




  1. there is no skipping the visa application,you cant buy your way.She must apply like everyone else

  2. you should try to start a stock portfolio to create a passive income to generate some Australian dollars for you before you even get here. then you should invest in growth areas of property as there are quite a few in south east Queensland right now. there is some excellent capital gains happening for many people. you need approx $50k Australian to start a good sized margin loan. this will allow you to "play" with double the amount of money you put in. from a good broker you can expect an 8-10% return that you can either draw on every month to make repaments, or let it grow for a year or so. if you started with 50k, you could play with 100k. 10% return would be 10K a month, over 12 month =120k..try to make your property interest capitalize under a global or "overall" limit. also, try to find construction properties, not existing, as the depreciation for tax purposes is alot better. Hope this helps.

  3. You cannot in any way skip the visa application process to get into Australia. However, you can apply for a business visa and invest in the economy.

  4. She can apply for a business or investment visa. She needs net assets of AUD$2.25m, and to invest $1.5m in Australia for an investment visa, or she needs to have owned a business with turnover of over $500,000 and have assets of $500,000 for a business visa. The process will take a minimum of 2 years and she needs to be under 45.

    See for all the details.

  5. No special treats for you or anyone else.

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