
How much money out of my taxes does Obam plan on taking from me and giving to illegal aliens?

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How much money out of my taxes does Obam plan on taking from me and giving to illegal aliens?




  1. As much as it takes to please the Mexicans and La Raza into getting their vote.

  2. all of it...  so just take a deep breath and deal with it...

  3. i knew your other question was a little strange for a 13 yr old boy. i call your BS.

  4. you are 13 years old boy   LIER


  5. Not sure, but yes Obama will use your country`s investment money or taxes to help a illegal if they need medical help because the illegal is still human and I would think and pray that Americans would want to help another human.

  6. Maybe a lot but when your lazy @ss goes to work...

    you are not 13...!! you probably do have a mind of a 13 yr old if not less....

  7. Hes going to take a lot of it and give it to those poor illegal aliens. They really need it though cause they are really poor after paying loads of money to coyotes.

  8. All of it. There is a line outside of your door right now.

  9. The same amount as McSame.

  10. As much as he can!

    He is weak and has no policy.

  11. All of it.

  12. Obama's bill S2433 would require the U.S. to initially direct .7

    percent of our GNP into the United Nations coffers for distribution as

    they see fit, for "food" to third world nations. Under earlier

    agreements this would evolve into a national tax on the U.S. with the

    UN attempting to levy this on all first world nations.

    The U.N. would have the power to increase this rate of taxation.

    The U.S. would be required to surrender some of its sovereignty over

    foreign aid by putting it under UN control. The bill would force the

    U.S. to sign onto the U.N.'s Millennium Declaration, which would

    commit us not only to "banning small arms and light weapons" but also

    to adhere to the International Criminal Court Treaty and the Kyoto


    Obama Floats Social Security Tax Hike

    '08 Democrat Suggests Taxing Those Who Make More Than $97,000 Per Year.That a higher retirement age should be "on the table."

  13. Ni ll compared to what your current president is taking now.

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