
How much money should I bring on a 3-week holiday in the UK?

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I'm traveling to the UK this fall and I'm wondering how much to cash to budget for food and various expenses.

I'm coming from the U.S. and the exchange rate is horrible--almost 2 to 1. So, if I take $1000 cash I'll just be getting a little over £500--that doesn't seem like enough for 3 weeks.

I don't like travelers' checks. I will have credit cards with me. Any suggestions for a cash amount? Thanks!




  1. I suggest bringing as much as you can, it's not called Rip of Britain for nothing.

    You don't say if you are staying with friends or relatives as this would ease the pain very much in your spending.

    If you are going to hire a vehicle, this will be very expensive with the price of the car and petrol. Hotels or B & B are also expensive when compared to the USA exchange rate..

    Even living here, if I was travelling around the country, just for expenses such as board and food I would allow $800/£400 a week. If you do decide to come and are travelling, the best thing would be to check out the web sites for prices.

    Good luck to you, and even with everything, here's hoping you go back home with a good feeling about Britain.

  2. 2000 $ at least !

  3. It depends on what you want to do and how you plan to travel. If I were you I'd allow for a minimum of £500 per week - just in case.

    I live in Ireland and travel to the UK regularly and theres a good rate of the Euro to Sterling but I know that the dollar is really weak at the moment. Things are far more expensive in the UK than the US even without taking the exchange rate into account.

    It probably sounds like an extortionate amount of money but it's better to have it that to be stuck.

  4. That realy depends on where you are staying and what you want to do while you are here.

    If you are staying in London it is very expensive for everything, eating, travelling, staying, sight seeing.

    If you are going to go to other places like Wales or Birmingham or Manchester things will be a lot cheaper, I would say you probably need about £800, but as i said depending on where your going.

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