
How much money should I bring to an upscale bar for my 21 bday?

by  |  earlier

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200! wow i don't have that much. I'm 21!!! NOT RICH! Thanks for the answers though, I'll just bring 50 and get whatever I can.




  1. I would say at least 150.00 you also have to remember if you are going with friends I am sure they will buy most of your drinks

  2. 200 should be plenty but if its your 21 bday your buddies will buy you more drink than you can even stomach lol so u wont need that much!

  3. Bring about 50 bucks and make sure you go with good friends. They will probably make sure your glass stays full all night. Even if they don't 50 should get you nice, have a good time and stay safe.

  4. i recommend $200

  5. Though it is smart to bring your own money, I have never let anyone buy their own drink on their 21st birthday and if you are there with friends, I'm sure they will feel the same way.  It's a rite of passage and people enjoy seeing you get hammered and want to contribute.

    I would bring about fifty to one hundred dollars so that you don't appear presumptuous but I'd be really surprised if you bought any of your own drinks.

  6. are you just paying for yourself or are you shouting? if just for yourself, $150-200 will be heaps.

    if you're shouting, it depend how many friends you have coming!  that way you can buy bottles of bubbly too, which wil save a bit on jut buying glasses.

    btw: if you spend $200 in an upscale bar, you'll probably be trashed and get thrown out. after $100 or so, you might as well go to a cheap bar to finish yourself off - you won't know the difference!

  7. If you plan on getting HAMMERED which I'm sure you are (it is your 21st birthday), then I would bring friends and about $200. When you get there, see if your friends will buy you a few rounds to help ease the costs (HEY, its your birthday). Have a good time.

  8. I would bring about $250 because you are going to want eat something  before you drink because Im sure you will be drinking alot depending on the kind of person you are. You also want to have extra cash on you, just in case. It is your birthday so Im sure people will buy you drinks as well, but you can always get the party started by buying a round or two of shots! The crappiest thing is running out of money so I always bring extra just in case.

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