
How much money should I bring to paris, France?

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I have the hotel and plane tickets all figured out through

but for 3 nights and 4 days, how much money(per person...3 people in total) should I bring for dining out, metro, etc. should I bring?




  1. Is it not cheap and going up all the time. Bars just seem to go up all the time drinking is no longer cheap.

  2. I was in Paris each of the last two summers.  I ended up spending about $65.00/day.  Breakfast was at the hotel, quick bite for lunch, big dinner.  Had a great time.

  3. Your costs in Paris can vary very widely but I will assume you are neither trying to get by on a rock bottom budget nor independently wealthy.

    If breakfast is alrady included in the hotel price then, of course, eat there. But if it is not then don't eat at your hotel but have breakfast at a local cafe and eat as the French do. Cafe au lait, perhaps some juice, and a sweet roll or a simple piece of bread with butter and jam. Even this won't be cheap by American standards, 5-7 euros but still much less than a full American or English breakfast would cost (assuming you could find it being served).

    Eat your big meal of the day at lunch when prices are better for full meals. Along the Rue Mouffetard in the 5th arrondissment you can find three course meals with a drink for as little as 10-15 euros. Cafes usually have a lunch special up on a chalkboard, its usually good value for the money.

    For dinner consider a sandwich or other light fare at a cafe. If you'd like something a bit fancier then try my favorite little place, La Methode at 2 rue Descartes in the 5th. You'll get some really good food and wine for about 30 euros a person.

    Buy your metro tickets in a "carnet" of 10 and the price of a metro trip drops to 1.11 euros. If you think you may actually travel more than 5 times on public transport in a day then buy a one day pass called a "mobilis" which will cost 5.60 euros .

    Add another 10-15 euros for admissions to museums and sights unless you're going to try to see every musem in Paris in 4 days in which case you might consider a Museum Pass.

    Then figure at least some money for night time entertainment. A carafe of wine will cost 20 euros at my favorite hangout, Aux Trois Mailletz at 56 rue Galand in the 5th but you can listen to music all night for that.

  4. As of this morning it took $1.57 to buy ONE EURO.  You can easily spend 10 Euros for a cup of coffee and a couple of croissants at a sidewalk cafe... that is $15.70.  

    The last time I was in Paris I spent about $200 A DAY just for a place to stay and a fixed price meal for lunch.

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