
How much money should I bring with me to Munich (Germany) for 1 week?

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I am seventeen and I'll be going to Munich with a friend soon. Our accom. is all set but now I need to budget for food. I would also like to have spending money but I'm not sure how much to bring. I probably wont be eating out much so that doesn't need to be a factor. Also I'm from Ireland and we have the euro too so you wont need to think about that factor.




  1. For food - figure on maybe 25 euros a day, unless you're planning to eat out every meal.  So that's 175 euros.

    400 should be plenty for food and miscellaneous.

  2. Ok  in Germany I spend an average of $1000. You should bring at least $700 for taxis, food, shopping... lots of shopping. It would suck to run out of money in Germany and then be embaresed when you eat out and cant pay the bill. $700+ is a good amount to bring if you like to buy stuff at every shop you see like me! lol hope this helps

  3. I would plan on about 40 euro a day for food and drink and 25-30 for pocket money, which would make about 500 euro for the week.  

    If you are used to paying Dublin prices, you won't be surprised at all by Munich.  

    Have a wonderful time, and I hope you get to hear some good music in the evenings!

  4. I would bring around $1000 dollars (if u have it)'s enough to have a good time.  If u don't have it, then at least around $600.  It's expensive to travel!  Have fun!

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