
How much money should I charge per day for a six day nanny job?

by  |  earlier

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The family pays me $15 dollars an hour normally. We are going on vacation and I could end up working all day some days and not that much other days. How much should I charge?




  1. I would say that you should keep your $15/hour for the day, but over that you should request an extra $3 compensation.  It's not uncommon and it's not expensive.  If  you think you deserve more, tell them.

  2. I go on vacation with a family I babysit for and I've always stayed with my hourly rate.

    Suggestion: Get a small notebook to take with you and just track your day. Write down the times that you do everything that way you and the parents have a written record of when you were babysitting and when you were taking free time (if they give you any!). At the end of every night (before you go to bed) just tally up how long you actually worked for the day and write the $ amount on the bottom of the page.

  3. If you are under 18 and are charging someone outside your family that much... they would probaly think it was ridiculous.

  4. Remember you are not going on vacation if they are making you work. So many parents think they are doing the nanny a favor by "letting" her watch their kids at an amusement park. I would just keep track of what hours you work and charge accordingly. I am assuming they are paying for your food and accomodations? Since you would normally eat their food at their home and you don't have to pay to sleep in your own bed at home....

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