
How much money should I give for my first and only nephew on his christening day?

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Hello, My first nephew has his christening/baprisimal next week. I am going to put the money in his college fund but don't know what the average amount would be from an aunt? I dont want to be cheap but i also dont want to give way too much....i'm basically clueless...




  1. We gave 100 bucks.

  2. i'd say 50-100 would be ok but only do what you can afford to do they will happy with whatever you give!

  3. You've got lots and lots of birthdays and Christmases ahead, too, so don't worry about giving a whole lot right now.  Do what you can afford--any amount of money will be appreciated.

    I think $50-$100 is a very generous gift to start things off.  You can certainly do more or less, but that amount from an aunt sounds very reasonable.

  4. i gave my godson a savings bond.  

  5. i think it's all relative to what you can afford and how close you are with the baby.  First, I would say that there's isn't a "way too much" answer unless you have other siblings and don't want to overshadow their gift.  If this was my only brother's first baby, I would probably give $200 and a gift....if i was god mother, more...

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