
How much money should I have to spend on supplies for building a working R2-D2 replica?

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I want to start building an R2-D2 for a Star Wars fan.




  1. There are THOUSANDS of people all over the world who have done this.  They are a very well organized club.  See link below for a WEALTH of information (pun intended).

  2. Full size, fully functioning? including the intelligence, the arms, the holograms?

    A lot of money and time!!

    this one is about $170, 15" high, so small. And it seems to be the best.

  3. I think to accurately answer your question you need to state whether you are constructing an "original Star Wars movies R2D2" or one from the prequels, as many advanced features inexplicably were on display in the latter (thrusters used for brief periods of flight, for instance).  Even with with an "original" droid, I think you also need to consider maintenance costs, as the R2's are highly susceptible to carbon scoring.  Of course, more problematic than the numerous motivators you will need to build will be the "brain," if you will.  Considering artificial intelligence of the sort needed for an R2 model isn't so easily available, you should be prepared to invest the most on this component.  Do not forget that the replica will also need to be constructed of such a high degree of quality that it will function in outer space as well an in Earth and "Earth-like" environments.  I question whether this is a feasible undertaking at all, but I wish you the best.

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