
How much money should I take on a 7 day holiday to Cornwall with my mates?

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Going on holiday in a couple of weeks with some mates.

It'll probably be a mixture of clubbing, pubbing and metal/rock place nights, only to cornwall though lol.

Will probably go out about 5 days (Friday when we get there, sat, sun, mon, tues or wednesday. We're having a barbecue on one of those nights so drinking costs will be significantly lower).

So yeah.

What's your thoughts.




  1. You can visit this site for know the price stays.

  2. Well if you don't know, having been you all your life, and knowing your own spending patterns very well, I don't know how you'd expect me to, to be honest.

    Are you a gambler for instance, prone to wanting to splash out the odd pony on the pony's? Do you like riding around in taxis all night? Do you perpetrate random acts of charity, handing out fivers on street corners, or perhaps you're a drug fiend or a s*x addict or something?

    If I was going I'd be taking £500, since I hate to be out of cash, and I never ever ponce off anyone, but since I don't know any of the above, or if you're a tightwad or not, I can't really predict it.

  3. take every penny you can beg steal or borrow, tomorrows another day

  4. About the same as everywhere else in Uk for booze, but you can eat cheap if you like pasties!!!  Yum!!!

  5. You will need at least £50-75 each, per day.  Sorry, but the UK is so expensive.  You'd be better pooling the money and going abroad for a week, somewhere hot.

  6. I would want at least £50 a day to spend !

  7. depends how much of a bender you and ya mates are going to have 2 ta 3 hundred should do it

  8. I would think you will need at least £60 per day.

  9. if you've already payed rent i'd say £200-£300

    That guy said you got to eat but i spend (for me and my wife) £80 a week, so you'll need £50 minimum for food

    Obviously u sort out your renting, then the other costs will just be partying lol so yeh

    200 - 300 £

  10. £4-500 should do-remember youve got to eat too!!!!!

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